Monday, March 2, 2009

Running Circles in my Mind

Ladies, what do you do with a man that continues to pop up in your mind?
Sometimes he's there, sometimes he's not. Other times, you cant help but think, "Damn I want him" and then there are other times where you think, "Why in the hell do I pay him any attention?". Well I seem to have one of those fellas in my life right now. He's cool and pretty funny but for the most part I can't help but wonder how in the hell did he get under my skin?!?

I just don't know what to do with him or my thoughts. I thought that I would let my mind just wander and see where it falls, but it keeps coming back to this idea of me and him that's not at all clear - what am I supposed to do with that? How do I clear up this image in my mind? Is there even a clear and straightforward answer?

In the meantime, I think I'll just enjoy the ride - it's been fun so far. Plus he doesn't seem to show any signs of anything more than what it is right now so why should I? I figure I'll play it cool, there's nothing to sweat over anyway... right?!?
That's what she said...

~ Sugar, Spice, & Everything Nice

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