Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All this Relationship Advice!

So as I write this I am watching Tyra show (guilty pleasure) and she has Steve Harvey, this chick and these other two chicks (wow I'm really paying attention) who all have books out on Relationships.

I don't know about you all but I will NEVER spend 1 penny on a book like that...I admit it is a little intriguing to see all these theories and guidelines...but that is my BIGGEST issue.At this age I am beginning to realize that all the "rules" and "regulations" we once followed are becoming silly.

I feel like in general we do need a few of the basics which are the following: STANDARDS is the main one, I feel like if u don't set them high you'll settle for anything. COMMON SENSE is the second, its important to not let your brain get soooo focused on craving a relationship that you start doing some uncompromising things. Bottomline NEVER compromise your integrity. Also PATIENCE is a virtue! I personally feel like you shouldn't go looking for a relationship, because generally if you are focused on something it will appear...the only problemis you might find a man but most likely he'll be the WRONG one. Instead you just enjoy life and I bet when you least expect it, you'll find someone special. And because men are visual creatures appearance is important.Ladies try to look good: for YOU first and he'll def appreciate the beauty.

So I realized that what this entry first critisized is what I wrote: Relationship Advice!!!! Sue me I'm a hypocrite SO WHAT!lol at least my advice is simple, and free. But I have one last piece before I let you go and that one thing is LOVE YOURSELF!!!!! And I think you'll be OKAY :)

The One and Only
-Queen Bee

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